Thursday, July 11, 2013

Will Someone Please Think Of The Bees?



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Its hard to feel sorry for the bees when I just got back from a baseball game were the Burlington Bees beat our home team on their own turf.

Ruth said...

I am grateful for all the bees and what they do. I read about this and it makes me mad and sad.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hive collapse is getting to be a crisis all over the world.

profsafety said...

I'm worried about honey addicts like Winnie the Pooh. What are junkies like him going to do?

Kal said...

Erik you do realize that those are humans and not giant bees in baseball uniforms, right?

Winnie will do like all other honey addicts do - go back to the crack pipe.

DrGoat said...

Pretty sure we're all gonna be on the crack or Opium pipe if the bees disappear.

Kal said...

They say human's civilization goes in four years if we lose the bees. So I am scoping out the tastier neighbors on my block.

Nomad said...

Unfortunately we need the bees to get opium and crack too.