Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Image Blizzard








Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

* I just want to go and iron the roof of that house

*Alex likes to take naps on the pool table in the afternoon but woke with a bit of start when she found the eightball in her back pocket.

* Haha. Supergirl is so cheeky, in more ways than one.

* This doll is the kind of physique you need to be in to take on the role of Batman Ben!

* Decades from now we'll have all kinds of time travelers coming back to keep Wile E in art school so as to prevent a massive calamity in the future.

* In space, no one can smell your butt being roasted by your jetpack!

david_b said...

Cal, THANKS for including that hot ship's counselor from 'Star Trek Continues'..

She's smoking hot.

EXCELLENT new show, I hope it does many more episodes.

Love Doohan's son playing Scotty, he does an outstanding job.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Laugh if you will, but that boom box with TWO tape decks was some mind-blowing shit, back in the day!

Kal said...

It was a game changer back in the day. It's started the file sharing madness.