Sunday, October 6, 2013

Best Christmas Card Art, Ever

May the blessings of the season be upon you and your crazy monkey.


Tim Knight said...

Is this more art from that Creationist nonsense we were mocking earlier?

Kal said...

Oh I hope not. I don't want to think I evolved from these two.

Tim Knight said...

What is this "evolution" of which you speak? No one "evolved" we all just popped out of the ground (or somewhere) fully developed ;)

Kal said...

Then these are just two very hair and ugly people? Is that what you are telling me, Tim?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Why should I even bother creating original illustrations for my Christmas cards anymore? Nothing I make could ever top this!

Kal said...

Kinda brings a tear to your eyes, doesn't it?


I have the weirdest boner now...

Tim Knight said...

If we're sticking with the Creationist nonsense theme, then these are clearly non-Christians ;)

Konsumterra said...

the book this is from is great - one of several books of alt evolution (dixon? whole book online somewhere) - this volume where most animals dead and humans evolve into many new species to fill all niches - some geneticly modified or given new organs or engineered symbiotes - all to no evail - horrible cyborg fetuses return from stars and terraform earth killing off most of these creatures and even harvesting them for food

Kal said...

When you describe it that way how could it NOT be a good thing. Yikes. How do the mechanics to make the cyborg get into the womb. SEE. I already have all kinds of questions.