Monday, October 19, 2015

Nikolai Tolstyh Delivers A Fresh Art Concept

This would be a great assignment for a class of students taking digital photography. I say digital because that is all they teach in the schools these days. I was lucky as a kid to learn the basics over a two week summer course at Cadet Camp with an actual old school NICON camera with manual focus lens. I loved Basic Training so much that I begged to stay an extra two weeks. I was a Cadet Photographer and taught Photography over the entire summer as a 17 year old. I taught the same course I had taken years early. Plus I worked as a camp photographer gathering images for our yearbook. EVERYTHING done is black and white and we had to process all our own film, do all our own prints and create the text on a single electric typewriter. Damn those were good times. I need to seek out my old photos from those days. We were so cool. Or so we thought.


Unknown said...

Am I hearing Jack Webb again? :-)
I've really been enjoying You, Me, and the Apocalypse. Not sure where it will go but it's nice to watch an End of the World show that leans more towards humour than despair. And a heads up - Merrit Wever is now part of the Walking Dead - and she's now a reluctant doctor! Time to catch up Cal. Let those Zombie hang ups go.
And, oh ya,... damn kids today....

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yes...I just talked with another friend who has lost his phone but he couldn't call me to tell me that because he no longer remembers my number. That is why I dial everyone number each time I call. Like Joe WOULD.

Damn, Not Merrit? Now I can't watch because to see her die would do me in for good. I have a deep, deep love for her. She's kinda like my real dream girlfriend. The one I could actually get if I applied myself.

Unknown said...

Cal, if it doesn't hurt to lose someone, then they weren't that special to begin with. Ha! I sound like a Jedi! Open yourself you must!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh, but I don't have to watch her grisly death play out in front of me.

Unknown said...

Just do what I do - put both hands in front of your face, and just barely peak through your fingers so that the absolute bare minimum of gore seeps through. I've being doing this ever since The Vulture scared the living shit out of me as a seven year old, sneaky as shit, late night movie watcher.
Here is a good story. When we lived in Chatham, the Vulture had scared me so much, that when Grizzly and Jaws came out I could only watch, and mostly listen, to the movies behind the theatre doors. How brave is that!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Hell I never left me seat at those movies. I was too scared. I think I to be removed from CARRIE by trained medical professionals.