Thursday, April 4, 2019

I Couldn't Care Any Less About This Comic 'Event'

OMG. I couldn't give any less of a shit. If you guessed who 'Major X' is I will call you a lying bastard to your death. But who cares? It's just the worst of Liefeld all over again. Of ALL the creators from cave painters to Ant Luchia got BETTER over time. Yet, having breathed the same damn air as JACK KIRBY this MUPPET never learned a damn thing. He's such a hack and a bad artist and a bad storyteller and a dumb person but for some reason he keeps getting comic book work while others languish in the shadows. He is due NOTHING but my scorn. I hate everything about him and this 'story' is like being molested all over again.

Show me on the action figure where Rob hurt you, Calvin. All over. He hurt me all over. And he continues to hurt me with his DRIVEL. Follow this link and barf. Barf right into your own lap and tell me that this crap is worth reading which can be done in under three minutes. It's a popcorn fart. I hate this so much while not giving a shit at the same time. You have no idea how bad all that feels.
I hate how comics seem to be rewriting history and turning Liefeld into some kind of legend. He is not one. His output is pathetic. His art never improved over time nor did his storytelling abilities. Every comic is like it's being made by a person who has one ever only read one comic and it's a bad Rob Liefeld comic book. Not one single original idea ever passed his tiny little brain. This is the kind of mediocrity that enrages me. Why does a character called THE BEAST have perfect dental work? No fangs but more cosmetic denstistry than a televison housewife. IT'S WRONG.

And this garbage just speaks for itself.
Oh and here is the big reveal?
A NEW character for me not to give a shit about.
If he's from the future why do the guns look like guns of today?
Why would a mutant from the future need guns?

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