Friday, April 5, 2019


I really want to like this one. But it will be a bumpy ride I feel. Of course anything that puts Captain Marvel into the world of Pop Culture is okay with me. If only to get myself one step closer to a Kingdom Come animated movie. To wish for a live action version of that particular superhero story is silly in the DC movie universe. They could never commit to the story like Marvel did with the Infinity Gauntlet. But this is a good primer for anyone not familiar with the characters with nods to those of us who are.

The film has some great effects and I believed that a boy could fly. They overuse some CGI but what can two superpowered characters do but punch each other at high speed? And you can throw an invulnerable hero through so many walls before it gets boring.

Again, the effects all happen at night and I am so tired of that DC Universe movie aesthetic. Shazam is bright and everything should happen during the day but that is my own personal gripe with the choices DC makes when it comes to the big fight scenes in Act III. I could switch out Superman and Shazam and no one would notice any difference in how the characters look while using their powers.

This one, however, was a nice diversion. I especially like the way it gets all demonic and blood soaked about half way in. Wow. I never saw that coming. Pretty cold blooded. Mark Strong's Silvana is particularly evil. Like Sinestro to recall another of his roles. But I like Strong and here he is a serviceable if predictable villain.

There is Mary and Freddy of course but there is no Mr. Mind or Mr. Tawney the Tiger. Two other things that are perfect for any sequel. Grace Fulton is adorable and brave as Mary. Once you hear the character names you are just waiting for that moment when the Captain Marvel Family is created. Yes, some liberties were taken but I have no issues with those changes.
The film does a pretty good job of creating the illusion of superpowers and the story of a kid who is selfish with his gift and has to learn the hard way that he was chosen for a reason. It's light and breezy but a little dark at times. That gave the film some weight it wouldn't have had otherwise.
Crazy Santa is Oscar Bait. Maybe that is why this would have been a better CHRISTMAS movie with it's CHRISTMAS theme. I suspect someone was late with some effects so this one got pushed to April, which is OK. That probably stopped promotional action figures at McDonalds which would have been the PERFECT tie-in. But no one called me.
This film doesn't try to re-invent the wheel because it doesn't have to. It's a solid addition to the superhero movie bounty we have enjoyed for what seems like forever.

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