Friday, April 5, 2019

This Week From The Cave of Cool - Episode 17

3 hours of drivel. Much of the GOLD was lost but my producer pulled something together to amaze and delight you all. Check it out, Hep Cats. The rantings of a lunatic always entertains me and I am the lunatic.
WOMEN IN SPACE!!! (or not) NASA botches a potentially historic all-female spacewalk and Calvin is incensed! The JESSIE SMOLLETT affair and the disturbing parallels to the TRUMP presidency. AOC the REAL Time Magazine Person of the Year, NEW ZEALAND's response to the shooting tragedy and the "LIVE ACTION" remake of Disney's DUMBO and why Disney thinks that your parents have to die. All this and more on This Week from the Cave of Cool!


nolan said...

loved the spacesuit rant (and MD trying to keep it together)


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thank you. I felt very inspired in that moment.