Monday, September 7, 2020

Trump Dump


Sometimes I mean to leave a little comment but it turns into a `thing`. This is a day of celebration. This is the day we have all been waiting for. He crossed a BIG line. Maybe bigger than saying the N word especially to his base. 

That hillbilly contingent that he calls his BASE all are not the FORTUNATE SON - something trump has been all his life. Deferments for bone spurs is like the weakest ass excuse there is. They are the ones who do the fighting and do the dying because they are from the demographic that looks to the military as a step UP in their lives and anyone who served knows what a huge kick in the balls trump just gave them. 

He will lose enough of them to put the polling out of reach. Then he will RESIGN because he can`t handle the humiliation of an election defeat and the label of worst president ever. He knows Pence will pardon him for federal crimes but not state crimes and New York has got the goods on him to settle his hash once and for all. 

Remember this day. This is the day when the four year nightmare we have all endured ended. This was the day I know we won. Do you smell that. That is the winds of change my Brothers and Sisters. We will make a brighter day out of the garbage pile he left us. And won`t that piss him off the most? That his legacy will be the final victim of the CANCEL CULTURE. From then on we all grow a pair - and I mean you Ladies as well - and stop getting your panties in a bunch just because someone said something that you didn`t want to hear. Let people live their lives because if you don`t we will get into YOUR life, Karen, and you don`t want that. MIND YA BIDNEZZ! But that is a discussion for another day. For now, the idiot trump has give me a week long gift. I await he squirming excuses and his inability to say that what he said was SO wrong.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We all know he really said those things about the WWI fallen (despite his vehement denials) because he had previously said them about John McCain to diminish him as a war hero. Leopards don't change their spots.