Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lost - Season Six - Episode 15

Did anyone else hate last night's episode of 'Lost' as much as I did. All these years and you dump a 'Jacob and his crazy killer mom and disturbed brother' story on us? Oh look, one has dark hair and one has light hair. Let's hammer that point home by making one wear white and only play the white side of the game board and one wear black and only play the black pieces. What ever does THAT mean? (GAH!)

I thought I only had to wait a week to see what Locke will do now with the surviors of the sinking submarines. Now I have to wait another week to find out. I could have missed last night's episode entirely because it didn't advance the storyline one bit.

Seeing the stream cave of light and watching the smoke monster come out of it got me no closer to finding out what the hell that smoke creature is. Why does it appear when it does? Can anyone control it? What kind of actions provokes the creature to show up? Why does he kill only some people and not others.

With so few episodes left you drop this on me and have the episode not give a SINGLE COMPELLING ANSWER to the mysteries you have so closely kept from us all these years. It's a rip-off that does not bode well for the series finale.

If I could go back in time I would find those numnuts and have them sprinkle many more 'island dwellers from the past' episodes and put the one from last night in the FIRST season.

I fear the stupid writers will do what they always do. Promise something and not deliver. I not only fear this will occur but I KNOW it will occur.

I knew it the minute they killed of Said, Jin and Sun. They had no idea how to end their stories so they just wiped them from the table with the laziest way to end a character's story arc - by killing the character. Did you really need to motivate the remaining cast members to hate anti-Locke and fight against him. There were already so many reasons to do that. Bullshit.

You created such complex and compelling characters and invested so much in their pre-island lives then forget to give their deaths any real meaning. I am particularly hate this in the case of Sun and Jin. Thanks for THAT 'happily ever after' moment.

This season you OWED the fans who showed up every week for a great story - something that rewarded their obsession with the show. For five seasons you did that (for the most part) with the promise that in the last season everything would come together.

In a show like 'Lost' it absolutely HAD to come together. You promised it in every interview you ever did for magazines like 'Entertainment Weekly'. You promised you had a great way to end everything in a way that fans would be satisfied with. You promised and you lied.

Was the entire tale plotted out from the beginning or were you just winging it? Knowing you had six seasons to fill, did you just pad the stories with useless crap to keep us hooked? Did you really have us analyse and over analyse each episode for clues (The most fun part of the 'Lost' experience) only to make the clues irrelevant?

I feel like they started a story which they had no idea how to end and just strung us along for six years. Look back on the story. There is no master plan. Few episodes answer the questions they established themselves because it was easier to keep us guessing than to actually try to give us something epic. Seems even at the end there is 'no time' to fully explain anything. The 'I'll tell you later' phrase should be enshrined on a plaque and then be used to beat all the writers to death.

We are all getting played and our bum's are going to be hurting by the right royal fucking we will get on series finale night.

I am only happy that I wasted six months liking this show because if I had reached this point by watching for six years I would have been homicidal.

FUCK YOU 'LOST'. I will of course watch the final and hoped to be proven wrong

I hate everything.


skyewriter said...

As I said to my husband last night after the unrewarding and futile episode, "There's another hour lost." (Ba-da-bum.)

I think those writers and producers had *no* idea what to do. So they've gone all Stephen King on us. I wonder if the golden light cave-thingy will have a giant spider at the bottom of it? Or... will they choose the hokier route and have it be a guy with a white beard?

I feel your pain...

Cheeseboy said...

I had no idea what was going on... I have no idea who is good and who is evil - STILL. I was confused by the cave of light.

That being said, I was thoroughly entertained and I really don't know why. That is Lost for you.

Marc (from england) said...

Totally agree with you, Cal, the last episode left me frustrated and just plain confused. They offered no answers to any of the mysteries (oh, that's how he becomes the smoke monster....but what actually happened? And more importantly, what the hell IS the smoke monster?!), and they also managed to wipe out all the mystique surrounding Jacob by making him a whining little git.

Had such high hopes after I saw the episode title & tagline too.

(Love your blog though, just wanted to say.)

baygirl32 said...

I have watched LOST from the beginning, and with only 2 episodes left until the finale, I was expecting SOOO much more from last night. I need some anwsers damnit!
After last night, I only have more. How is it that crazy mom and odd brother look as if they JUST died? did they just die? What the hell is the tunnel of light? Aghh...

Not a good episode.

Kelly Sedinger said...

I don't know what's going to be more disturbing: the chorus of disappointed fans after the finale episode fails to answer their questions, or the likely smaller, but also likely louder, chorus of True Believer fans who will still convince themselves that what resolution they get is totally frakkin' brilliant.

Lots of interviews I've seen with the show's powers-that-be have included quotes like "Well, we don't feel we have to explain everything", which sounds to me like they're basically trying to prepare fans for inevitable disappointment.

I continue to be very glad I dropped out of LOST five or six episodes into Season One.

Wandering Coyote said...

I am with you 1000000%, Cal. I was so pissed off last night! It was a shitty, terrible, crap episode and I totally feel gypped. And I am VERY worried about the finale. AND I was ticked at the deaths last week, too. What a cheap, cop-out way to eliminate Sun, Jin, and Said. I was so devastated at the end of that episode, not just because I loved those characters and their stories, but because it was just so....UGH...COP-OUT-ish!!!

I am not full of high hopes for next week's episode or the finale at all. This season has been a total clusterfuck and I am ticked. Of course, I'll watch, but I am pretty sure it's going to be bad. WORSE possibly than the finale of BSG, and I am still pissy about that one because I thought it was so terrible - and it's been a year!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Coyote - you had to remind me of the end of BSG didn't you? Another painful sting caused by a bad finale.

We invest the time and interest in a show - we hype to others and this is how we get rewarded.

I should have trusted my gut and never got into Lost in the first place. Then I could have gloated and laughted when the end turned out to be bad. But no, I had to catch up since January and get on board because I could no longer feel like I was missing out on some phonomenon.

GAH! I hate everything.