I am really enjoying watching Jackson Galaxy, the 'cat whisperer' (or CAT DADDY as he likes to be called) who has never met a kitty he can't help. He has a new show on 'Animal Planet' called 'My Cat From Hell'. He is only brought in when the owners have reached their limits dealing with cats who scratch and bite or who have low self esteem. You doubt me? One cat was so sad that he spent most of his day sitting in his litter box - literally wallowing in his own shit.
It's fun to see how Jackson is able to work with both cat and owner to bring about positive change in the lives of both species. Jackson may look like a hipster doofus but he knows his cats and that is a lesson to all of you who judge the book by it's cover. His interest lie in helping one cat at a time by working one on one with both cat and owner.
In just three episodes I know so much more about the subtle signals that cats give about what their needs are. Jackson really knows his cats and you can't help be impressed by his thorough approach. I have seen him up to his elbows in cat litter which he reads like a gypsie woman reads palms or tea leaves. Fantastic stuff especially if you love the kitties like I do.
Jackson is proof positive of the lesson that 'You only need to find the thing you love to do and are really good at to be truly happy in this world'. I can relate to how each reformed cat is it's own reward because of the trickle down effect it has on the entire household.
I blame my tears of joy on the music combined with the 'rehabilitation scenes' of the needy cats of the week. It's a beautiful thing. I get as jazzed about these little stories of cats and their owners as the host does. Very cool.
I'll have to see if I can find this program. We just got PVR so now we have a gazillion channels, none of which are familiar to me.
It's on 'Animal Planet'. I have all the channels too but it's never enough. I want more.
The Cat Daddy is terrific! Thanks for posting this--even if it does show me that I've been petting cats wrong for decades...
Great stuff. Anyone who is in tune with any creature and loves animals is tops in my book.
I love this guy too! He's got some funky facial hair going on but I dig it.
I don't really have problem cats but I would like to know his take on why almost every day my calico female Alabama grabs a stuffed kitten or turtle in her mouth and then proceeds to make the crazy caterwaul noisy meows all the way down the stairs before depositing the stuffed animal at the foot of the stairs.
Some of my friends/family think it's because she never had kittens and wants them, but she stopped doing it for awhile and then started again recently. I worry that maybe she is unhappy :(
Maybe she needs to hunt. Sounds like you need to develop some creative play time with her.
We love My Cat From Hell! I was especially amazed at how he was able to help Minibar.
I too thought Minibar was a hopeless case.
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