Sunday, March 18, 2012

This One Is Gonna Make Me Tumblr Famous, Bitches

And you will all say, "I knew him when..."


Belle said...

Your name will go down in history. Really cute caption.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know. Thanks for always giving me your support. Remind me if all the fame changed me too much, will ya?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

"Brilliant Deduction Tunabreath. Sherlock Holmes marvels at your observational skills. You know I have a life other than you."

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope that caption isn't based on a real life "incident" with Admiral Fluffy.

DrGoat said...

This is the goods. Bravo. And don't worry, we won't let it go to your head. Like that kitty.