Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Photos From The Collection Of Cool

I am still trying to figure out how to best photograph my stuff now that I am pulling everything together. Rotating some pieces back into display that haven't been seen for a long time. I really don't have all that much when I look at it objectively. It's a nice collection. Not epic but nice.

I am collecting all my loose figures into a nice clear glass case or two. It's my next project around the house. I hope they come out looking good when they are all gathered together.


Brothermidnight said...

Thats some great stuff you have there my friend!I Love that Waterworld ship.

Kal said...

Still trying to figure out how best to photograph everything as I pull it together. That Trimaran is a well made toy. We took it to the Ponds and it took off like a rocket once the wind hit it's sails.

Hobgoblin238 said...

I am more interested in the Swamp thing stuff. Awesome!

John Sholtz said...

I have had the same problem when it comes to photographing the Batcave Toy Room, but I think I've finally got it. Hoping to see your figures in the cases soon. I am sure they will great!

DrGoat said...

Nice Swamp Thing stuff Cal! Great find with that Waterworld kit. Sauron is also cool.

Kal said...

Those Swamp Thing Sets come from those glorious early days of EBay when you could get great lots of figures and vehicles for ridiculously low cost. Then everyone got hip and ruined it for everyone.