Friday, September 7, 2012

Can I Customize My Bunk Onboard Ship?

If I can I need to pick up something like this - flashy with a high threat count - in order to get a decent night's sleep. Plus, this bed is about eight pillows short of acceptable. You can never have too many pillow. Like a Sultan I am with my pillows. And there must be a variety of pillows. It's really only ever about the pillows.


david_b said...

Jeez, I love it. Would probably prefer the Galactica set for even more geekness, but these are CLASSIC.

Kal said...

I am sure they have a wide selection of bedding at Starfleet Headquarters - all the geeky icons.

JBond said...

"...high threat count.." ? I dunno if that was a typo or brilliant illiteration...but well played either way, sir!

Kal said...

Of course I meant that...yeh...sure.