Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Don't Go Into That Sewer. Don't. DON'T YOU DO IT APRIL!"

by James P Brouwer


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It curious how with each incarnation of the series April gradually become younger. In the 80s cartoon was a TV news reporter and claimed she was "29" (We all know what that means) and was half mother figure/half damsel in distress.

In the 00s cartoon she was a computer programmer in her early twenties who seemed content to operate an antique store rather than actively use her degree. This April was more independent. tech smart, physically strong and agile in combat. She also had a preference for open midriff shirts because nothing says "laboratory work" or "combat ready" like your exposed abdomen.

The upcoming cartoon has her in her early teens with a ponytail, and various tomboyish traits. I like the yellow jersey shes got as a callback to her jumpsuit from the 80s show, but it has a number "5" on it. You'd think they'd go for "6" as a reference to the news channel she worked for, but I guess its supposed to mean 4 Turtles + April= 5.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Heres some more April for you:
