Friday, September 7, 2012

GI Joe - Retribution Trailer

I know they moved this one to March to take advantage (or run away from) the glut of Channing Tatum movies out there. I even read they shot more scenes with him after first killing off his character at the beginning of the sequel. Who cares. I loved the first movie and expect no less than girlish squeals of delight to emanate from me while I watch part 2. Stinkin' stupid C.O.B.R.A. No way does Cobra Commander succeed in his evil schemes. No, Sir. I won't stand for it.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It looks like "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol", but coated with sweet candy sprinkles.

Kal said...

I so glad you see the same Unicorns in this one that I do.