Monday, September 3, 2012

I Didn't Hate It

As you all know I came to Doctor Who late in my life. In fact, for most of the time I was aware of the show's existence, I actively avoided it. It used to show every Sunday evening on the PBS station we picked up from North Dakota. First you got Monty Python's Flying Circus, Then classic Star Trek and finally Doctor Who. I usually feel asleep somewhere during Star Trek if it was one I had already seen a million times and waking during Doctor Who was always a jaring, confusing process. I never could figure out who the people were or what they were doing or why everything had to look so cheap and crappy?

It wasn't until the current reboot was into season three or four that I finally went back and watched everything with Rose Tyler in it from the beginning. I have a deep love for Rose and for me there can be no other Companion even compares. I watched many of the Amy Pond years in huge blocks which I think makes her much more likable than she may be when you see her weekly. I know that sounds weird but I felt the same way about a few of the characters on Torchwood - not Gwen Cooper of course because she is AWESOME.

I really didn't catch the twist in this latest Doctor Who episode until it was too late but that was a nice surprise at the end. When The Doctor asked "where the milk for the souffle came from" would have usually been all the clue I needed but for some reason my mind wanted to be fooled.

I hope we see the Doctor becoming more obsessed with rescuing Clara Oswain from a time before she was assimilated by the stinkin' Daleks. Sure Jenna Louise Coleman is bubbly and perky and totally acts like she looks but I can stomach that. I am a fan who REALLY needs to fall hard for the Companions. When I do the show is at it's most enjoyable for me.


csmith2884 said...

Oh your welcome..I pushed you so hard to try Dr Who. I liked this new one too, I like that she is very smart. Tech smart which is where the Doctor isn't. Hope they keep writing that in.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

This one really didn't do it for me. Its not bad just... well, only okay.

Amy and Rory's divorce comes out of nowhere and is solved relatively easily. The plot is really just "Escape from New York" with Dalek Prisoners, but there isn't a whole lot of risk of capture or death. The Dalek conversation angle didn't really do it for me because it was presented as very silly looking by the end.

The ultimate goal seemed to be an intro to the new companion and the way she laughs in the face of danger and reset the Dalek's history because of how complicated its become over the years.

Wait... Changing continuity and dissolving a marriage between a cute redhead and her adorable dorky husband... Was Joe Quesada credited for this episode?

If Dinosaurs on Spaceship doesn't work out, I may fall off the wagon again with this show.

Kal said...

I have seen pictures of her in Victorian dress so maybe he will pluck her from a time when she is not tech savvy.

Kal said...

It's only an hour out of my week Erik. I watch so much other crap that I appreciate how predictable Doctor Who is. I always feel better for watching than not watching. Not a ringing endoresement but I enjoy Doctor Who very much.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm just more picky about what I watch. I guess its kind of like my Mom and her CSI shows, just needing something to veg in front of at the end of the day.

Kal said...

It's shameful that it can't all be highbrow entertainment around here.

Anonymous said...

I loved her in the Titanic miniseries.

Kal said...

Poor Paulo...poor doomed Paulo.

Nick Ward said...

I loved that the daleks were so seriously scary. I love this show. And I have from a very early age. The mythology and the characters are my happy place.

This is the closet I get to having a religion.

And it is strong.

david_b said...

I watched it yesterday, along with the funny Pond video shorts. I'm not liking Matt Smith as much as David Tennant (I still cry at the end of 'School Reunion' with Sarah Jane...), but Asylum was pretty good.

Yes, Jenna Louise Coleman is definitely gorgeous. Lovely little package. It'll be hard to replace Amy, as it was with Rose.

Kal said...

David Tennant was great. He broke my heart many times - Waters of Mars??? That's what you get for messing with time, buddy.