Sunday, September 9, 2012

Montague Dawson

By now most of you have figured out that I love Tumblr. For a visual guy like me such a resource of images is a godsend. I find most all the images for my blog on Tumblr and a single picture often sparks good memories for things that I had thought I had forgotten.

What does any of this have to do with this image from artist Montague Dawson? This print hung in my room for the first twelve years of my life. It was framed and I always loved it. I would stare at it while trying to fall asleep from my crib and as I got older it became the pirate ship that chased me and my stuffed animals across the Spanish Main. It represented everything exciting or adventurous in my life. Novels like Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, and Mutiny on the Bounty filled my bookcase.

To make a long story short, this was one of the items I lost when we moved back to North America from Germany. My childhood toys can be replaced but I thought this print never could, since I never knew the name of the artist and didn't know even where to begin my search. Over time I forgot about the ship.

Then not ten minutes ago I saw this on my Tumblr dashboard. My heart actually started to beat faster when I realized it was MY ship - the one with the X on the main sail -the one that I called the New Dawn Treader because that was the only ship name I knew (besides Titanic) when I was seven.

I now have a high res version that I intend to get enlarged and then framed before finding a place of honor for it in the Cave of Cool.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's great! Happy for you!

I've always been a fan of seafaring adventure novels too -- all the ones you mention, plus the Hornblower series of novels. Ripping, simply ripping!

Wings1295 said...

Awesome find indeed!

M. D. Jackson said...

I went searching and found a huge .jpg of the image online. It's one of my favourites now as well.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Brings to mind every movie with sailing ships in it I ever loved.

DrGoat said...

Great image. Love that kind of sailing ship stuff. Treasure Island (the 1934 version with Wallace Beery) was my absolute favorite movie, still is.