Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Vacations With Vladimir - Back To Siberia

First he stopped a full scale Pussy Riot (well to hear him tell it, he did). What could be next for everybody's favorite real life Bond Villain?

After shooting a tiger with a tranquilliser dart and fixing an electronic tracker to a polar bear, Vladimir Putin is to undertake his latest animal stunt by flying in a motorised hang glider with a flock of rare Siberian cranes.

And this is why MY soulless despot is better than YOUR soulless despot.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Today on the CBC website, there is photographic evidence of his flight with the cranes. Apparently only a few wanted to follow him.

Kal said...

Yeh, the ones who had some SENSE...the ones who knew that there is no party like a secret policeman's party. Don't you worry. After a good talking to those birds will toe the line on the next take.