Monday, September 10, 2012

New From The R&D Division Of Cave Of Cool Inc

The Seabreacher X is a two seater boat, it looks like a great white shark, the Seabreacher X boosts the performance with a 260hp supercharged engine, allowing the vehicle to travel at speeds of 50 mph on the surface and 25 mph underwater. The Seabreacher is capable of jumping up to 12 feet out of the water and roll 90 degrees to the right and left.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

They'll sell a lot of those!

Hobgoblin238 said...

They are $250,000!!!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Supervillians begin bidding! James Bond soils himself in fear!

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember a show in the 90's called SeaQuest DSV? It predicted these high-speed single-seat subs in it's dolphin-shaped Stingers.

Donn Christianson said...

This has got to be one of the most dangerous toys ever. PWC (personal water craft) on our waterways are dangerous enough. These things can submerge and still do 25 knots?

I'm all for fun as the next guy and I love the concept of stuff like this. However, there is a reality that, in and on the water, these are a recipe for disaster.

Kal said...

oh for sure, some rich dickhead will let his teen take it out and when he crashes into the beach cabanas they will realize how dangerous this thing is.