Thursday, September 6, 2012

Now They Ruined Canada Day For Me

Damn you, Chavril, for taking the joy out of making fun of you being all Canadian like, what with your all-jeans ensembles and perplexing passion for Tim Hortons. There’s literally no other stereotype that can possibly top the grunting goat from Nickelback and the Dippin’ Dots of pop stars, both of whom are Canadian, beginning to date on Canada Day. I guess we’ll just have to make fun of their terrible music instead…


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Awww, a first date on Canada Day -- that's so sweet! You rock, Chavril!

Kal said...


spiderkev said...

Well, If she's willing to marry Him,Anybody could probably have a shot with her.Just saying...............

spiderkev said...

And pray to your lucky stars that they don't decide to record a duet.

Kal said...

That kind of prayer is wasted on the Gods. This situation will only be solved once we start negotiations with the devil. Just like the two of them did.

Kal said...

Oh and Kev, there was a time when I WANTED her, wanted her so much. But now she is spoiled and tainted. I don't know if I can ever love her the same way again.