Sunday, September 9, 2012

Opinion I Agree With Of The Day

Blessed with parodically presidential good looks, yet cursed with the unconvincing mannerisms of an early-generation android without its update patch, Romney is that most discombobulating of political phenomena—a boring enigma. Trying to figure out his true nature is akin to facing a block of polystyrene. You can’t see inside, and you can’t get a toehold. You’re left with analogies. Romney has been dubbed the next Herbert Hoover, awarded the honorary George H.W. Bush “Wimp” prize from Newsweek, and compared to a porn-movie queen because he changes his positions so often (this last from Arlen Specter, who only changes parties). Those of a more artistic bent have dubbed Romney a latter-day Zelig or, more arcanely, the Man without Qualities, although this is an insult to Robert Musil’s fictional hero, who may have shared Romney’s unwillingness to take a firm position on anything but at least had the courtesy not to seek political power. - John Powers


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's the big mystery? The man is NOT an enigma. He will do or say anything that will get him the power he wants. He has no personal set of convictions. Surely that is clear.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me what you think Obama is?

Kal said...

He is hope and change. Stop hating on him because he is black.