Friday, September 7, 2012

Pulp Covers By Tony Fleecs


M. D. Jackson said...

I love those!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Lust cats of the gutters," eh? Sounds like my type of book!

Kal said...

You are both so lowbrow. I love my trashy friends.

ShezCrafti said...

I'd read the shit out of that Mario book if it was real. I always knew Princess Peach was a cheating hoebag. You'd think Mario would wise up after all the times she's been "kidnapped" by Bowser. It's all an elaborate cover for her S&M fetishism and rape fantasies. They have to keep that kind of stuff hush-hush in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Kal said...

Don't forget Donkey Kong Jr. Somehow he is involved in all this sick Mario business. I just know it.