Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quote Of The Day - Some Random Blogger

Mitt, I think we just all want the same opportunities that were available to you. I want to be able to take advantage of tax loopholes. I want to be able to get a good education and make the same type of connections while getting it. I want to be able to play on the same level playing field with someone whose father might have been wealthy and well connected.

I want to be rewarded for my hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. That is what America is supposed to represent. I don’t want to be working in a society that won’t reward me for my hard work because the deck was stacked by you (Mitt) and your wealthy influential friends against me.

It’s really that simple.


Daisy said...

I want to be able to run a marathon in under three hours like Paul Ryan.

Bersercules said...

That is one AWESOME quote!

Stuff like this and all the cool pics you post, thats why I enjoy Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness!!!!! Right on!!