Friday, September 7, 2012

Should I Read The Book First?


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It's like "Cast Away" only this time, Wilson has fangs!

Kal said...

I don't want to watch the Tiger suffer. Same reason I could never see War Horse - horses in danger just doesn't yank my cord.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Oh you shouldn't avoid "War Horse" because of animal endangerment, the horse is in rather minimal danger throughout the film. However, you should avoid seeing "War Horse" because its two and a half hours of nothing interesting happening. Best I can say is that people inexplicably fall in love with this horse, and then they die. The End!

Kal said...

If you are trying to sell it to me you failed.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm actually trying to do the opposite. "War Horse" is ultimately a very simple story thats gets drowned in over sentimentality and keeps on going until you just don't care anymore, and then you realize that theres still an hour left to go!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I loved the book "Life of Pi." I can hardly wait for the movie. And Ang Lee is the perfect director for it. This trailer looks AMAZING.

And it's NOT just "Castaway" with a tiger. The book carries an emotional punch right to the gut.

And don't worry, Cal, the tiger doesn't suffer.