Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Phantom Creeps


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It looks like the results of kid who cut out pictures of the actors and pasted them one the background of his own homemade comic. Its downright surreal, like something you would see in a webcomic thats trying to be "experimental" or "post modern".

Kal said...

Whatever it is, it's a work of love and you know I appreciate the effort.

Jordan said...

Believe it or not, I'm actually familiar with this (after a fashion).

The Phantom Creeps was a 12-part black-and-white sci-fi/horror serial from 1939, which I've seen nearly all of, since Mystery Science Theater 3000 used it as warmups for about three consecutive movies during one of the earlier Joel Hodgson seasons (Season 2 according to Wikipedia). I still remember Crow T. Robot exclaiming, "With each installment, The Phantom Creeps just gets more and more ridiculous!"

Anyway what you've got here is clearly a late-30s version of a "Fotonovel," wherein frames from the movie are laid out sequentially with speech balloons (and colorized!) so you can go drop a dime on the thing and read the story on your own.

Jordan said...

Here's the first installment, with Joel and the 'bots:

Kal said...

WOW...people are the smartest. I have to check that out. These things must have been insane to produce by hand.