Sunday, September 9, 2012

There Is No Way I Win THIS Auction

It's five days before the auction ends on EBay and I know that I will miss out on this great piece because I want it too much. Now way do the damn poachers let me get away with this prize. So I bid low and hope for the best. I have many of the figures and vehicles that were released with the movie but this cool gun eluded me.


Unknown said...

Good luck Cal i hope you win this.

Brothermidnight said...

I wish you luck! I tried countless times for the saucer I'm missing but finally gave up on it.

M. D. Jackson said...

Good luck, Cal. I'm rootin' for you. (and nor bidding against you).

Hobgoblin238 said...

Hope you get it too!

Kal said...

I have the saucers when the guy I bought the figures from threw them in for FREE?? Those were the days.

This is one of my holy grail items that I look for occassionally. This disintegrator and Oscar Goldman in box and I can almost die a happy man.

Michael said...

Good luck! Thats a pretty cool piece, I hope you score it!!

Ronsrandomstuff said...

I have and love this gun, 'cept the motor that makes the brain pulse, no longer pulses, still awesome. Good luck, it's a beaut!

Budd said...

Nyak, Nyak, Nyak.

Dr. Theda said...

The paint separated fro my gun in sections...

Kal said...

I hope the one I get hasn't faded and still works but you can never know. Just having the piece will be a win for me regardless of the shape it's in.