Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Think I Need To Live A Year In The Woods, Or Antarctica



Albatross said...

Ha! My wife this evening confronted me on my computer use. She said that I should do things more constructive instead of spending time on the computer.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, a true Walden Pond for our times.

M. D. Jackson said...

I have been in the middle of the deep woods late at night with no devices, no phone, no radio... Just me and my tent and the campfire. When the stars are out and the moon is up and all is quiet and magical. Then the wolves start howling and you wish more than anything that you were safe home in your bed watching TV.

Budd said...

not quite thoreau is he. I guess thoreau had his books and his guests and his near daily wanderings in to town.

Kal said...

Thoreau was such a poser.