Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Daily Reminder - Even Under The Tree They Can Getcha So Shake The Box Vigorously Before Opening

Ax-Wielding Christmas Octopus by Hiné Mizushima

The happiest of holidays is cuddled in the eight arms of your very own homicidal cephalopod, brandishing an ax to protect you from the myriad magical creatures attempting to give you strange gifts. Don’t trust them! Who knows what could be inside those boxes, with this festive Octopus though, you’ll always know what you’re going to get, regardless of how good or bad you’ve been.



Professor Chaos said...

Oh my God, I want one of those! Frightening, yes, but also hysterical!

Kal said...

Take him and his slimey spineless bretheran.

DrGoat said...

I need one too. Don't judge too harshly.

Kal said...

I just don't understand why he needs the axe. He has eight arms with suckers and hook like teeth to rip into me but he has to threaten me with a garden tool as well? That's just spiteful to my way of thinkin'.

Dr. Theda said...

Delightfully Morbid.... And very Cool!!!! lol
I want one too...

Kal said...

I can't help people who can't help themselves.