Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Amalgam Comics Collection

AMALGAM COMICS 1 - DC & MARVEL MASH-UP characters from 1996/1997


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I used to have a bunch of these. Probably still do.

Kal said...

For the most part they were sucessful by trying to put someone right into a monthy comic that may not start or finish a complete story. My favorite was Dark Claw where they combined Sabertooth with the Joker to create the Hyena who was more the physical match for Dark Claw than the Joker was to Batman.

Mike D. said...

These were cool. All of them would have worked as a series. Based on the Amalgamation of characters alone. Put two characters together into one and bam instant success

Kal said...

Some of these could have continued in some other dimension of stories. I love Speed Demon (Ghost Rider and Flash) and especially Dr. Strangefate and the Iron Lantern.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Oh Man... never seen any of these-

Kal said...

I know they have been released in graphic novel form.