Monday, February 11, 2013

Overdue At The Cave Of Cool Bijou

"Say­ing you’ve never seen The Goonies is kinda like
say­ing you’ve never eaten a Reese’s Peanut But­ter Cup."

Yes. That is my secret shame. Of all the movies I refuse to see, The Goonies is the one that I think least deserves my scorn. It certainly is not at the level of say an E.T. which looks to be insufferable from any and all things I have ever seen about that film. I just know I would hate ET as much today as I did back in it's time.

But the Goonies seems different....because it's the Goonies. How could I be in rooms with people having conversations and bluffing my way through any mention of the Goonies...and doing it poorly? I knew there was something about a dance where there was 'shuffling' involved and some Asian kid and a piratey freak guy.' By all rights, I should love this film.

One of my go-to blogs is Shezcrafti. My buddy, Jamie does such a great job at breaking down parts of pop culture (mostly from my beloved 80s) that I know little about. She also contributes to postcasts about the bests of 80s movies and culture. I am always educated about something that slipped by me but educated in a fun way which is the most sneaky way to be 'edutained'. I just made that up...edutainment - the combination of education and entertainment.

You need to go HERE to see Jaime's passionate personal plea for me to see this movie. I can't tell you how cool it is to see someone else write about me and knowing that as I read that post, that I was the only one who knew for sure that the poor urchin described in the text was me. It's like being at a party and hearing somone talk about a 'person' and they make sure to know they are talking about you.

She did a great edit that needlessly protected my identity. I get the joke and it's FUNNY. It was perfectly personalized to me and what she knows about me...also pretty sweet because as you know it's all about me.

Plus the girl made many good points I find impossible to argue with. Watching me some Goonies seems like the perfect way to spend my morning. What wonders will I discover within? It's not the same as seeing an iconic film like this for the first time in a theatre but I think my perspective will be interesting. I have seen most every big movie that there has ever been. Partially because of my misspent youth spent in movie theatre and partially because I never sleep. What do you think I did before the Internet? There are few films that I can enjoy in quite this way.


Powdered Toast Man said...

Corey Feldman is my hero.

DrGoat said...

Goonies is OK. I thoroughly enjoy it every time it comes on. You'll like the Fratellis. A lot.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

The "HERE" link isn't working, which is a shame because I LOVE movie podcasts. Does Jamie's show have a name I can look up?

I remember seeing The Goonies as a kid... and I remember that I saw it. I think because I was a 90s kids watching a movie about 80s kids I had trouble connecting with it so that it didn't make much an impact on me. In that regards I don't know if watching it again would really do much for me.

However, I've seen a bunch of movies by writer/directors who obviously loved and grew up with it and made similar films. Stuff like ParaNorman, Super 8, The Monster Squad, Monster House, etc so another viewing might make for some interesting comparisons.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thank Gawd I'm such an old broad that no one expects me to have seen The Goonies. Or even know what that is.

Joshua Raymond said...

I've never seen the Goonies either. I was 13 years old when it came out, in my "hair metal" phase, and thought I was too cool to see a movie that was made for kids. A few years earlier or later, and I wouldn't have cared. Since then, I've always meant to see it, especially because people reference it and talk about constantly, and think I'm weird for not having seen it. But somehow I've never gotten around to it.

The Flying Dachshund said...

How could you hate any movie that has Short Round in it (not truly Short Round here, of course... But it's the same actor)?

Mike D. said...

One of my defining moments as a high school teacher has to be when I walked into my computer class of Freshman back in 2002 and decided to let my class watch a movie the day before Christmas Vacay. I asked them what they would want to watch, and after a few terrible suggestions I said we should watch the Goonies. The looks on their 14/15 year old faces were blank, and I realized that almost all of them had never seen the movie. Holy shit was all I could think....

We watch the film, and they all loved it. it felt good to extend the movie to the next generation. My son, who is currently 9, also loves the movie... especially the Fratelli's, Mouth and Data. Watch it Kal!!!!!!

Jordan said...

I've never seen The Goonies and I never will. I am psychologically incapable of taking the steps necessary to see something called The Goonies.