Monday, March 11, 2013

There Is Good Cosplay And There Is GREAT Cosplay

The cosplayers featured in this image are Danny Kelley and Margie Vizcarra Cox. Both Margie Vizcarra Cox and Danny Kelley can be found on


Unknown said...

those are crazy cool...

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I don't know if I can look at these kinds of photos anymore Kal. Watching all those Scooby-Doo reruns taught me that cosplayers are all evil villains after some kind of hidden fortune.

Actually I'm surprised those meddling kids don't stake out the costume shops to do their profiling.

Along those same lines, how come Batman don't just keep tabs on every abandoned pie factory, foreclosed amusement park and boarded up comedy club in Gotham. It seems like the Joker has a certain pattern of were he goes after he escapes Arkham that should make him easier to track down.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love the last one -- right on, Wonder Woman!

Kal said...

Well certainly only the bad cosplayers are evil.

And don't get me started on Arkham Asylum. Those numnuts can't cure anyone or hold them secure from the general public. I would have blown that place up a long time ago if I was Batman. End of problem.