Sunday, July 14, 2013

Batman: Horder



Hobgoblin238 said...

That is so frickin hilarious!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

"He who dies with the most toys still ends up on Hoarders."

If Batman can find a use for his Anti-Shark Repellent Bat Spray, (Maybe Batman was the reason "Snarknado" was such a ratings flop!) I'm pretty sure he can find a use for a Flash Bulb Batarang and Rainbow Striped Costume.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too funny for words! And Batman wears that rainbow bat suit in the Pride Parade every year, you know, so it's GOT to stay!

Kal said...

What are you implying about Batman. Because he lives and wrestles with a young boy in cave...

Kal said...

What are you implying about Batman. Because he lives and wrestles with a young boy in cave...

Kal said...

What are you implying about Batman. Because he lives and wrestles with a young boy in cave...