Monday, July 1, 2013

Just Can't Slow The Girl Down

And as Mikeyboy commented - "Who'd ever want to?"


Mike D. said...

Who'd ever want to? YOU GO GIRL!!!

Kal said...

I knew if I hammered the point home often enough that some of you would understand why she is so cool.

Mike D. said...

Are you claiming alllll the credit? ;)

Kal said...

Well it's 90% her looks and personality but it's 10% me for sure. Who turned her into the world's greatest secret agent and octopus fighter? You know and she knows so that is all I need to know, ya know?

david_b said...

Ah, I see the restraining order's up for renewal.., isn't it?

Kal said...

I won't put her through that this year. That last one was not on her specifically but on the Idiot Bieber who has to stay 200 feet from me so I don't kill him because you see I am justified.

How can you even imply she would need to take one out on me. I should be her press agent.

Mike D. said...
