Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More About Me Meme - The Next Ten

11:Who do I miss

Late night walks and drives with a certain friend. If only for the conversation and the great mixed CDs I would record. She would let me sing too and never said I was bad at that, because I wasn't. I am a beautiful singer. I have a mutant ability to harmonize with anyone. And I never saw more sunrises than I did with her. The same thing that makes those memories beautiful also give me night terrors so you can imagine how the whole friendship ended.
12:What time were I born

After Midnight - when it all goes down, baby.

13: What is your favorite color.

14:Do I have a crush

Of course. I am impressed with many of the opposite sex for various reasons. Intelligence, beauty, passion for something, rises about her surroundings to become a better person. All these things make me love them. I would never want to meet them in real life. It would spoil the fantasy. Our occasional back and forths are enough to know that I am validated, recognized and maybe even loved.
15: Favourite quote

"The world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start, my love."

16:Favourite place

Salzburg Austria. Bavaria. Land of the Castles on the Rhine.

17:Favourite food
Pizza. I don't eat enough of it because I can't find one that reaches my standards. Man, I am becoming a grumpy and demanding old man.
18:Do I use sarcasm
Like a Rabbi stand-up comic I use sarcasm.
19:What am I listening to right now
Listening to Howard Stern ripping into Benji from one of his radio shows on You Tube. Fantastic ripping and riffing.
20:First thing I notice in new person
The eyes. Then the laugh. If the laugh doesn't sound like music to MY ears, then its over. If I like your laugh then I won't care that others may not.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've been working on a survey like this for my own blog these past few days. I'm just making up my own questions really, I'm curious were you get yours.

The first thing I notice about a person is their nose. Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but when you've drawn portraits for as long as I have, you'll find that its the most unique and diverse feature on your face.

Kal said...

These show up on tumblr all the time. I have one that is 150 questions long. Ten a day I can do no sweat. Looking forward to reading all your revelations.

profsafety said...

thank you for sharing with everyone.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It may take some time. Most of my answers are so anecdotal that it might be more practical to try and find a book deal.

M. D. Jackson said...

I couldn't do one of those because most of the answers would be: "Piss off! Mind your own business!"