Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Superhero Style Guides By Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez



Debra She Who Seeks said...

As RuPaul would say, "Sashay! Chantez!"

j-swin said...

garcia-lopez and lau are two of my favorite artist right now, awesome posts!

Mike D. said...

I love JLGL...he is to DC what JR Sr. is to Marvel. The go to guy art director that everyone could count on.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I do love these. A chance to see these classic characters from all angles without looking like a flat turnaround. Such a clean, lively style, and not one stupid V-Collar in sight!

Kal said...

Marvel Universe did that a few years ago. These views. I have an entire binder of all the characters. Great stuff.

Nick Ward said...

I love wonder woman's skip...

Mike D. said...

That Superman image... The straight on shot is the image used for the magnet that was on Jerry Seinfelds fridge for several years

david_b said...

I never quite understood the need for the 'butt shot'.., but I guess it's important to nail the back view of outfits.

Typically I don't fathom artists spending much precious drawing time arguing 'Hey, that's NOT what Aquaman's ass's supposed to look like..?'

Mike D. said...

Well I certainly hope they continue to get WONDER WOMAN's ass right!