Saturday, August 17, 2013

Your Damn Death Suit Had Better Work, Comrade, Because It's My ASS In The Capsule

I know that there are at least three deadly forces of space radiations that this suit DOESN'T protect the occupant from. Shabby doesn't help. Give me some style and something FUNCTUAL. I also don't want to have to emerge from an egg whenever I land on a new planet. It's embarrassing that I have to crouch down because they can't make the egg 30% larger. It's a freaking nightmare working with the Russian Space Agency.


M. D. Jackson said...

Is it too much to ask for a spacesuit that protects my ass from radiation AND looks like it was designed by Armani?

Kal said...

Finally someone else understands that just because you are dying in space is no reason to look shabby.