Sunday, December 1, 2013

Becca's Bombshells

I look at that amazingly sexy Kat Dennings and I am reminded once again why Becca is one of my favorite artists working at her craft today. She just has the perfect way of combining cartoony with sexy (especially sexy pin-up) but can also do these magically detailed pieces I treasure in my collection. I have a feeling if Kat herself saw this picture it would hang in her fancy apartment in a place of honor. Becca get's it and knows herself and her style. She never shortchanges you on the detail.
I used her design of Cal in the Cave of Cool as the model for a commission to Kittyzilla who created this great Kal plushie. I always felt bad that Kittyzilla never used this commission to advertise both her and Becca's work. It appears nowhere on her blog. That is so sad because the cooless of the plushie speaks for itself. Combined these two artists both understood at their core what it meant to be KAL. I am both honored and humbled by the responsibility I have to live up to if I want to be the most interesting man in the world.
She perfectly got my Niece and Nephew who live in Australia in an image that my Father would have adored.
If you ever thought you wanted a one of kind commission for yourself or someone else she is the real deal and her rates are more than reasonable for the result. I feel in love with that Selena and Demi pic and have followed her stuff ever since. Look how gorgeous my Selena is. That totally captures her spirit.
The most recent commission is my beloved Abbey Bominable who was the figure that got me so crazy about this Monster High line of dolls.
Then there is THIS one which in all rights I should recoil from in terror and disgust but I am seduced by the whole thing. The design and line work and coloring is just gorgeous. It's just the kind of image that will be my undoing and my Octopus enemies know it. They went to MY artist to design a genetically altered female to bring me and my organization down. Pretty good plan....if I didn't know about it now.
When I have that kind of a reaction to any ones work I know they are a talent to be encouraged. Check out the link and see more of Becca's work. I will ask her permission to post more of it later today.


Unknown said...

She does amazing work.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Clearly I need to step up my game if I want to keep a foothold around here.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoy seeing her work too.