Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Am Unbearably Pleased With Myself Right Now

Had another great afternoon volunteering for the GED Class. I think after working next week I will keep volunteering once a week for four hours on Thursdays and see this group of students through to the test and help anyways I can. I also want to see how they present the course and help the students prepare to take the test at the end of February.

I also have selfish motives for volunteering. It would be a nice teaching reference if I ever decide to go for a more regular teaching job or subbing. But I want to teach adult students. I have done my time in regular schools and fought the good battle in the trenches. I earned my scars and heartache so I don't feel bad about rejecting that kind of teaching for myself. I want to use my skills where they are needed the most and can do the most good.

I have said many times that in a class of 30 kids I am useless to 25 of them. They will do fine whatever I do. They have supportive parents and good work habits. It's the other five that I can't give more time and attention to than I would like because of the work load involved in full time teaching at a regular school. All the marking, the coaching, the staff meetings, managing dozens of student in multiple classes and so many other obligations just leaves no time for those kids who need extra help the most. I am good with those kind of students. I know how to build them up without breaking them down. I know how to run a relaxed room and I make it easy for people to ask questions. I make the classroom a safe place to succeed.

It was also cool to see all my anxiety about everything else in my life just melt away when I am in the classroom. I wish you all could have seen me in action. It's a glorious performance I give. But would you think the Oscar Awards people would recognize that kind of gift? If it's not on film they want nothing to do with my work which is their loss.



Dr. Theda said...

We are sure that you make a Great teacher... good Sir Kal....
Glad that you are doing something that you enjoy....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's important to celebrate and appreciate the successes that come along in life.

j-swin said...

Good for you, brother. Passion for your job is one of the rarest and most fulfilling things a person can find. Glad it working out for you.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Haha! At last the "I Accuse My Parents" card I sent you gets used!

I am pleased to hear that you are adapting to this new position. I have no doubt that you will excel these kids beyond measure.

Simon B said...

I'm glad it's all going so well, Cal. Keep on keepin' on :-)