Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mighty World of Marvel, Marvel UK’s British Reprint Comic



Simon B said...

These covers bring back loads of great memories for me! Like many hundreds of other British comic fans I grew up with these Marvel reprints in the early '70s. As they were reprinting early '60s Marvel comics I was lucky enough to experience the Silver and Bronze Ages simultaneously... which was cool.

Simon B said...

I particularly like Jim Starlin's version of a large-breasted Daredevil on that last cover :-)
Is that wrong...?

david_b said...

LOVE great Starlin cover art.. Would love to collect these just to look at the covers each day.

Kal said...

We got these reprints at the base PX too when we lived in Europe. Like you I too got to experience all those great original stories with the current stuff I was reading. Treasury editions are still my favorites.