Monday, December 2, 2013

The Splendiferous Spider Hero??

Enter Blade, in the SPIDER HERO suit. This is basically a spandex, old-style spider-man costume, in a hideous combination of neon pink and neon green with SPIDER HERO written across the chest in place of the spider logo. It's incredibly cheap looking. He's going to be wearing this at least until issue #4, when probably he'll change into the Ronin outfit.

In all my days I would never have predicted that BLADE of all characters would dress up like a goofy bad costumed version of Spider-Man. I guess DC is not the only ones with a monopoly on stupid ideas these days. Why would a vampire killer even DO such a thing? Did he lose a bet to Whistler or something? Now I have to track down the comic just to see what the madness is all about. Don't we already have a Spider-Man?
Karl Heitmueller Jr.



Unknown said...

I had that costume when i was young boy.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Looks like you beat me too the punch on the Ben Cooper costume comparison. Still this Spider-Hero Blade does look more intimidating than the designs for the New 52 Lobo.

Kal said...

That LOBO is an abomination unless you think LOBO will be joining the boy band ONE DIRECTION before long. I hate that redesign also.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It looks like the most generic design that Top Cow Comics of the early 2000s had to offer.

Kal said...

It's worse than that if that is even possible. Top Cow. Top Cow Shit.