Monday, December 2, 2013

This One Is Very Strange

Someone explain this to me.


Sam G said...

I think you have to be really baked to get it.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Doris' behavior contrasts sharply against the typical demeanor for a housewife in an advertisement from the 1950s that this is parodying.

Best I got.

Anthony Simeone said...

Yep, pretty much what Erik Johnson said above.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is she trying to twerk or what?

DrGoat said...

Kinda looks like Madonna. Whatever it is, it's not funny.

profsafety said...

Yea, it’s a parody of the way some “urban” people stereotypically act/talk, mixed with a super white bread/1950’s TV family commercial.

Unknown said...

Nope, got me. It's like staring at those damn magic eye pictures. " I'm gonna stand here till I see this sail boat everybody keeps talking about"