Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today Is The Day

I have posted a ton this morning because I have all this nervous energy to burn off. This afternoon I go in for four hours to volunteer at the education center just so I can get the lay of the land and see how they do things around there. It's really a huge thing for me. All my instincts are screaming for me to run away but I can't do that. I made a commitment to them and a promise to myself so now I have to put up or shut up. Who knows what will happen. It sucks that I can't control the things I can't control. I can only control me and that should be more than enough work for one day.



bliss_infinte said...

Best of luck Cal! You'll do great!

j-swin said...

Bully for you, brother. Give'em hell.

Anthony Simeone said...

I truly do ascribe to the power of positive thinking, and radical self-esteem! Take a chance on yourself and believe in your awesomeness. I would be shocked if you didn't sense a change for the better in your attitude. You can do it! Go for it, go against your own limiting thoughts about yourself, prove the internal naysayers wrong, for good and all! Don't mistake negativity for pragmatism, that's a pitfall we all stumble into in our lives. Look for the good stuff, and you will find it!

Simon B said...

Good luck Cal! You can do it!!!

profsafety said...

Good luck, my friend. I know you'll do great!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I can assure you that you'll be the sharpest dressed man there.

david_b said...

"Don't let 'em see you sweat, sir.."

Stand your ground.

Let 'em KNOW, loud and proud, who you are.

Go 'James Brown' on their ass.

Tim Knight said...

Good luck!

Bob/Sally said...

You'll be awesome. Good luck!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

power up, power forward!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm late to the party but . . . good luck!

Mike D. said...

you got this!!!

Michael Lynn P. said...

You know my thoughts on this. You are a wonderful human being and it is going to be an awesome day! I look forward to hearing all about it!

Wings1295 said...

Late to the party, but kudos again!