Monday, December 2, 2013

Totally JAZZED Right Now

I GOT THE JOB and start subbing for a few hours next week. So nice to get to ease back into the classroom without all the stress and immediate pressure of 30 kids, 7 hours a day with all that marking, coaching, meetings and parental interviews that goes with the regular classroom teaching. I just want to teach and interact with the students without all the b.s. that takes me away from all that. All I have to do is plan my classes and use my time to work on the best presentation I can make of the material.



Tim Knight said...


Well chuffed for you (as we Brits say!)

So pleased for you and looking forward to hearing of your successes down the line.

profsafety said...

Congratulations to you, my friend!

Those are some lucky kids. You are going to do an awesome job!

bliss_infinte said...

Congrats, Cal!

Bob/Sally said...

Awesome! Congrats!

DrGoat said...

Sounds great Cal. You're going to enjoy it. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Way to go kid!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Huzzah, I say, huzzah! I'm happy for you!

Michael Lynn P. said...

This is so amazing! I am beyond happy for you! You did it, they made the right choice on you. I am just smiling right now so much about this. I will talk to you later! Congrats to the max!!!

That Dad said...

Congratulations! So glad to see your talents used in the classroom!

Kelly Sedinger said...

Woo. Hoo.


Let there be dancing...oh wait, Calvin and Hobbes have you covered there.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'm raising a glass in your honor sir. You worked hard and got the gold!

You've given us plenty of quality presentations here, I'm sure you're gonna rock these kid's socks off.

j-swin said...

Bully for you brother! Good luck.

Dr. Theda said...

Great and congrats good Sir Kal...
I that you can teach the a thing or two...

Unknown said...

Wonderful - conga rats to you! Have fun!

Dr. Theda said...

was supposed to say " I know that you can teach them a thing or two...."
And thanks for inspiring the "Snake" post that we just did...
A great evening to you my Friend...

Sam G said...

Dammit I'm late as usual, but CONGRATS Cal!

david_b said...

Great job, sir..!!

Unknown said...

Now that is cool.

Unknown said...

Now that is cool.

Chase March said...

Congrats on the job. I am sure it will be great to get back in the classroom again. Good luck!