Monday, December 2, 2013

Well This Is One Heart Transplant That Will Not Be Occuring In This Hospital

You also would think that a container carrying a HUMAN ORGAN would have a better lid. Maybe Tupperware makes a product that might work better than whatever Discount Organ Transportation Inc. is using here.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I bet that's a Hospital Service Dog and it's really taking that heart down to the surgeon in O.R.!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It feels like something that would be more likely to happen on "Seinfeld" than in a drama series.

The actors look like they want to be "bewildered" but the director keeps telling them to reign it in.

Kal said...

Or the DOG is doing the surgery himself. DOG DOCTOR will be a huge hit with it's sister show CAT GYNO.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I would have guessed it was a spinoff to Disney Channel's "Dog with a Blog". But I think Animal Planet would be more respectful towards their canine talents.

Kal said...

He's a heart surgeon, I didn't say he was a very cool surgeon.