Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why? Just Why?

The infamous first kiss between the Man of Steel and the Amazon Warrior became world famous when it appeared on the cover and in the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE #12. Now, it's been immortalized by DC Collectibles in this stunning statue based on the art of Jim Lee and sculpted by Tim Bruckner. The eagerly anticipated statue measures approximately 14.3" tall and will be available September, 2013.
Currently $239.00 on Amazon
Here is a beautifully designed statue of Wonder Woman and Superman. It's a nice little piece of art that certainly didn't deserve the treatment it got. Why would a human destroy something like this? I found this on Tumblr where the person who wrecked it called it an 'abomination'. What they did to this sweet figure is the true abomination because it was deliberate.




j-swin said...

it was destroyed because people fear change. instead of embracing something different because it's time for a breath of fresh air, narrow minded, over zealous knit pickers would rather bitch about another point of view rather than accept the fact that after nearly 80 years, a creative, artistic company wants to shake things up a bit.

and yes, i'm a fan boy, so i can take counter point to purists.

j-swin said...


lois lane wasn't that great to begin with.

DrGoat said...

Throwing away 200+ dollars just tells me he's an idiot on top of being an over zealous knit picker.

Mike said...

1) Jim Lee is a hack pin up artist who is destroying DC with his Image style

2) Because "New 52" sucks hard

3) Superman is a married man who would never have a relationship with Wonder Woman

4) Any time you can destroy something Dan Didio had a hand in is a good day.

Kal said...

I agree with you on all points but the destruction of a beautiful piece changes nothing.

Kal said...

I also could never respect Lois who didn't know that Superman was Clark. She is the greatest reporter of her age??? And she knows BOTH of them.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...


wait... let me try that again.

The Flying Dachshund said...

Next time... They should just send me the money, and I'll use it for a better purpose than smashing a statue...