Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Image Blizzard





j-swin said...

CAROL!!! i love that they had her in avengers: emh. i really hope she shows up someway in avengers 2

Kal said...

Or three since she is a more Cosmic Character and I think they are trying to work towards the Infinity Gauntlet.

j-swin said...

that would be really cool. maybe they'd just intro her as military or shield pilot in number 2. I hope gaurdians of the galaxy does well. cap 2 trailers look pretty cool. looking forward to x-men dofp also.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I think Carol (as "Captain Marvel") could do well as a solo movie with her character incorporated into future Avengers sequels. They already introduced the Kree in "Agents of SHIELD" which could mean they have plans for that race in "Guardians of the Galaxy" to lead into her origin in an upcoming film. Or else, they don't have any movie plans for the Kree and said "Yeah go ahead and use them in that TV show nobody likes, we're not doing anything with them."

Oh man. That Gillman glass portrait is brilliant! I'll bet whoever did that has women clamoring to him in droves!

Kal said...

If he doesn't he should the guy who posted said Gillman. I am even ready to order crated up from Eastern Europe - but she has to be cute with old world values.

Kal said...

Carol can be Shield's connection to the Guardians so easily and get her NOVA powers when they introduce them as Marvel's Green Lanterns. Now that would be a cool movie. The Nova Corps.