Wednesday, March 26, 2014

People Who Don't Comment On My Site Suck

What more do you people want?
Do all I inspire is the occasional 'MEH'?
And people who comment on my word usage suck even more.
I can fix anything but the pain.


Nick Ward said...


Unknown said...


Sorry Cal, I visit your site every morning, but rarely comment. I'll do better. ;)

DrGoat said...

You know how life is Cal. Things come and things go. Sometimes your fans just don't feel like putting it out there. Laying low as it were.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

You want a comment, heres one: You misspelled "site"!


Kal said...

I hate you Erik.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Oh Kal, you say the darnest things when you haven't had your morning coffee!

Dr. Theda said...

Pain is very hard to "fix"... especially "emotional pain"...

Kal said...

emotional pain can never be fixed. It just piles up higher and higher.

csmith2884 said...

I am often left commentless at your blogging prowess.