Thursday, December 25, 2014

Have You Ever Woke Up With NOTHING For You Under The Tree?

Because I did this morning and it was the worse feeling in the world. I don't exist except for this blog. I could go away tomorrow and the world wouldn't care and just move on. Pretty crappy time of the year to gain that epiphany. First time in 50 years that I never got an action figure from someone. I am such a loser despite what my CV says.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a bummer, Cal. Sorry to hear that Santa gave you the screwgie, as you say.

Big Tone said...

Don't feel bad.I didnt get any action figures either.

j-swin said...

Ditto, I got some gift cards and guardians of the Galaxy on dvd.

Dr. Theda said...

Merry Christmas , my Friend... And,... You would be greatly missed by many...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I doubt that. My imprint is minimal. Low carbon footprint.

Anonymous said...

Check your front step

Anonymous said...

Really do it, so it doesn't get ruined by wet snow. :-)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Who are you? How did you know? Wow. I think I just felt the Christmas spirit.