Saturday, December 27, 2014

Now I Have A Different Goal



Because NOTHING can harm me when I wear the

I will now see how FEW visits I can get in a day.


Barbecue17 said...

I just started my new blog so on a good day I'm only hitting around 100, but recently had an inexplicably low day. It was like "16" surrounded by days around 100. Weird stuff, indeed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Heathens....PEASANTS...they don't deserve the entertainment we bring. I am down 40 on the year. I am racing to the bottom of the barrel.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am thinking about "le sigh" stopping altogether... life in the last year has not been good. i sadly think i am done...

Dr. Theda said...

Sort of like "turning a frown upside-down"...
We will still view your great posts at least once or twice each and every day, my Friend...