Saturday, January 28, 2017

I Share Because I Care



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm surprised you didn't include any of the memes and gifs of Captain America punching nazis -- they're all over the net.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And don't say "Hail Hydra."

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have issues with Cap lately. I am loathed to share my space with that Nazi....Hail Hydra.

Rob R said...

I got some grief for posting the gif showing Sean Spicer as a "They Live" alien. These are some Orwellian times...

Anonymous said...

The flippant part of me wants to warn to be careful with your target selection because not everyone who didn't want part two the Clinton dynasty wanted Trump either, and I've been called a Nazi Trump lover just because I didn't support Hillary. But then non-statist citizens have been called Nazis for years, the little Marxist boy has cried wolf so many times that it lost it's sting. I was called a Nazi for very reluctantly voting for Mitt Fracking Romney, who's about as RINO as you can get outside of Trump's pre 2010 policies. While the over whelming majority of us believe in NAP, that doesn't mean we wont defend ourselves with violence appropriate to the threat.

My better nature would like to point out that this type of exclusionary rhetoric is far more likely to end up with eight years of Trump instead of four. I bitterly opposed Trump in the primary fight and was adamant about both candidates being horrid in the general, but the hysterics since the election are trying to drive me out of that position with a whip and a chair.

So call me a Nazi, even though I'm about as far from National Socialism as it's possible to get, but when you follow it up with declaring me a valid target for physical violence then I'll only warn that I'm fully aware of the self defense laws of my state will act on them to protect myself and family.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

If I am a 'snowflake' then anyone who goes along with fascist behavior is a Nazi. I know Goodwins law.